020: Be Notorious (A Limited Collaboration)

produced by Julian Mundy, Mischa Stanton & Ian McQuown
story by Julian Mundy
written, Directed & sound design By Mischa STanton


[[MUSIC: “Wild Plain”]]

>> Scene 01:

[[SFX: a friendly street, daytime. Big Mediterranean vibes. Someone rides past on a bike, ringing a bike bell.]]

FESTON: I think it’s… this way? Or maybe that way?

SERENA: This is a really nice neighborhood, Feston. Are we sure Sleepy Harpo’s gonna want to come along?

FESTON: Tranquil Haegan. And Astichor made it seem like they’d be up for it, but yeah, I think if I lived here, I wouldn’t be in a hurry to go backpacking or whatever.

PROXY: Tranquil Haegan’s last registered address is up the hill to your right, Feston.

FESTON: Thanks Prox. Just enough time to welcome our listeners back, to STARTRIPPER!! Today we’ve alighted in the town of Pongrezo [pr. pon-GRETZ-o], on the planet Vencione [pr. VEN-see-OWN-ay]. We’re skirting the tropic and the season is cresting into the height of summer. The wind carries scents of healthy leaves breathing deep and ripening produce, and the mood among the locals could be characterized as “breezy!” But we’re on a little bit of a mission. Serena?

[[MUSIC: “Wild Plain” soft reprise.]]

SERENA: Yeah, after Candesser we decided it might be a good idea to find an engineer to join the crew full-time. It just seems like there’s a lot more about the StarTripper than we know, and I don’t necessarily trust us to be able to fix things when they break. So we asked Astichor, and they recommended, uh… gah, yeah, what was it again?

PROXY: Tranquil Haegan.

SERENA: Right, yeah, thank you. We’re gonna go ask this alien Tranquil Haegen if they wanna come along.

FESTON: I think this is their complex… nice digs!

SERENA: Again I wonder whether someone who posts up in a swanky place like this will be willing to drop everything to live in our lil rock-hopper. No offense Proxy.

PROXY: None taken.

FESTON: Hmm…Then let’s make an entrance!

[[SFX: They walk through the automatic door and into the lobby. They approach the front desk.]]

[[MUSIC: Hotel Lobby]]

DESK CLERK: Mmm-yes, can I help you?

FESTON: Hi, we’re looking to speak with Tranquil Haegan, can you please tell us their unit number?

DESK CLERK: Mmm-what is your business with Mx. Haegan?

FESTON: Well, to be perfectly frank, we’re here to offer them a ticket to the stars!

SERENA: [grips the bridge of her nose and sighs]

DESK CLERK: Mmm, of course. Well, Mx. Haegan is not in the habit of taking unscheduled guests, or, mmm… solicitors. And besides, they are currently off-world on business, mmm-yes.

FESTON: Oh, shoot. Well, could you tell us when they might be back?

DESK CLERK: Mmm-no. And what’s more, you may tell your Gox Gumson, that they must mmm-cease their harassment of my tenants at once! I have no proof of their claims of being Mx. Haegan’s, mmm, “old friend.” The tenant in question has better taste in company than to be caught gawking at your, mmm, “exhibition!”

SERENA: … What?

FESTON: Yes, also a “what” from me.

DESK CLERK: Begone, run and tell your Mx. Gumson. Begone, yes?

SERENA: Listen, citizen

FESTON: Serena, Serena, it’s cool. They said Haegan’s not even on the planet. Let’s just go for now. [getting an idea, to the CLERK] Oh AND, we’re so sorry about our boss. Did anyone of our “compatriots” leave a calling card for Mx. Gumson the last time they came? We can take it off your hands if you like.

DESK CLERK: Mm, yes but of course I have several. Here, take them, take them!

[[SFX: The CLERK spills a handful of business cards on the desk. FESTON picks one up.]]

FESTON: Excellent.

SERENA: (low, to Feston) What are you doing?

FESTON: (low) We’re here, it’s a nice day, and if they really are friends, Gumson may know where Haegan went. I’m up for an exhibition. Thank you!

DESK CLERK: Begone, mm-yes!

[[SFX: FESTON & SERENA leave.]]

[[MUSIC: Light-hearted electric guitar and high hats.]]

SERENA: Really depends on what you mean by “exhibition,” I suppose.

FESTON: Hmm… Yeah, you’re not wrong. Well! Only one way to find out!

SERENA: Stop saying that! That’s patently untrue.

>>SCENE 02:

[[SFX: The gallery entrance as guests are admitted.]]

FESTON: This looks like the place! Nice gallery. Swanky stuff.

SERENA: Yeah, looks like Haegan runs with an uphill crowd.

FESTON: Yeah, I feel underdressed.

SERENA: I think we’ll be okay.

DOORBEING: [like a parrot] Rawk?

SERENA: Hi, I’m Serena, outrider for the Circle of Vatra, here with my, uh… valet.



SERENA: Thank you.

[[SFX: They enter the gallery proper.]]

FESTON: Neat! You can tell the artist is really into materials, just look at all this stuff! I think that’s sulfur hexafluoride gas with screens suspended in it!

[[MUSIC: Etherial tones.]]

SERENA: And that must be Gox Gumson. Looks just like the calling card.

FESTON: And even if they didn’t, they’re the center of the crowd! Let’s circle around and talk to them.

[[SFX: The first art piece: glowing crystals hovering in artificial gravity. A mild crowd stands around it.]]

FESTON: Oooh. Okay, travelers. So first along this row we have… huh, actually a pretty nice pinwheel of colors happening here, all in what looks like, ooo, like cultured crystal formations. Pretty gutsy to have it just hanging in zero-g like that.

PATRON #1: Yes, I love how they’ve so succinctly captured the precariousness of beauty. Nothing beneath you, nothing to rely upon but the attitude of the breeze itself. It’s been growing since installation, and I’m told it will eventually exceed the set weight of the gravity field! Pure Gox, but so melancholy.

FESTON: Oh yeah? Wow, it’s so bright and cheery, though. I dunno, I’m really feeling this one. C’mon, let’s go to the next one…

SERENA: Excuse me–

[[SFX: SERENA’s armor bumps the PATRON and they spill their drink.]]

PATRON #1: Oh, my!

SERENA: Sorry, coming through…

[[SFX: The next art piece: several metallic sproingy stretching things drop from above.]]

FESTON: So this one is pretty wild, a metallic thing shaped almost like an Eeyori Willow but… whoa, instead of branches or leaves, it’s got a whole bunch of long droopy arms with-- [effort as his hair is mussed] Hey! With grabbers that come down and ruffle your headparts! Lot of folks in here going for their combs. 

SERENA: [avoiding the grabbers] Whoop, no thanks, droopy. Let’s keep it moving… Get ready, we’re almost there.

[[SFX: FESTON & SERENA approach a crowd surrounding GOX GUMSON.]]

[[MUSIC: Smooth vibes.]]

GOX: ...and I told them, I said, “Darling, the capsule goes in the other end!”

[[SFX: Crowd laugh.]]

FESTON: Ah-HAHAHAHA! Very good, Mx. Gumson, very good!

GOX: Indeed… I’m sorry, darling, am I supposed to know you?

FESTON: Ah, well. My name is Feston Pyxis, and I was just admiring your lovely work!

GOX: Mmm yes, best say no more, Fezzon darling, really. You’re radiating just everything that’s on your mind. [To SERENA] And who might you be, you delightfully-intimidating specimen?

SERENA: Uh…. I’m Serena the Sapphire Blade.

GOX: Of course you are, darling, and how! I simply love your compact fearsomeness. I must know everything about yourself. Disperse, you wretched peons!

[[SFX: The group disperses, grumbling.]]

GOX: Now then, Ms. Serena the Sapphire Blade, what can I do for you?

FESTON: Well, if you’ll pardon me, Mx. Gumson, we were told that you might help us find an alien by the name of Tranquil Haegan. Do you know them?

GOX: [amused] Ah, why yes, darling, of course I know them. What need have you of my dear Haegan?

FESTON: I captain a customized Physiclast QCS-25, and we’ve heard that there’s no one better to keep her in tip-top shape. Ah-huh-huh-huh.

GOX: Yes indeed, Haegan’s reputation is one that likes to travel… much like my own, eh Ms. Serena?

SERENA: [wasn’t paying attention] Huh? What?

GOX: Yes indeed! I believe we can help each other. Come find me at my studio once the gallery closes. But for now, drink and be merry! Enjoy the exhibition… such as it is.

[[SFX: GOX wanders away to mingle.]]

[[MUSIC: Cool Xylophone.]]

FESTON: Ah-huh-huh toodaloo!…Kind of an odd Dreckle, wouldn’t you say?

SERENA: Sorry, what’s that? Couldn’t hear you, you’ll have to break one of the walls of your glass hab unit.

FESTON: Yeah, fair point…

>>SCENE 03:

[[SFX: A wooden barn door slides open and admits us to GOX’s studio. It’s a large open space, and sounds of the night can be heard through the window.]]

SERENA: Uh, hello? Mx. Gumson?

GOX: Yes, hello darling! Please, come in, come in. And do call me Gox, darling, all my friends do. Can I get you both some tea?

FESTON: Yes please!

SERENA: Tea would be nice, thanks.

[[SFX: GOX putters about making tea.]]

FESTON: I love this big, uh, thing you’re working on here. What’s it made out of? Tree sap?

GOX: Spun sugar lattice, darling! Programmable flavors, if I can get them working.

SERENA: Does that say what I think it says?

GOX: Indeed!

FESTON: What does it say?

SERENA: It’s Old Cenorian, this pictogram means, uh... well. [clears throat] It’s rude. Really rude.

GOX: Yes, I’m calling it “Sweet on the Lips, Sharp on the Tongue!” But, ahh, I don’t know, I’m not entirely happy with it just yet. The calligraphy could be sharper. And of course preserving it in the summer heat will be an issue. That’s what I get for trying to be cutesy, I suppose. But that is not why I called you here tonight my new friends!

FESTON: Yes, that’s right! You mentioned that you know Tranquil Haegan?

GOX: Oh of course, darling, of course, Haegan and I go way back! Practically larvae together, they and I! They’ve run off on a secret project, very hush-hush… but I could be persuaded to part with their location, perhaps!

SERENA: Yeah, I thought this might be where we were headed…

FESTON: We do seem to end up here a lot, don’t we?

FESTON / SERENA: [in unison] What do you want?

[[MUSIC: Tumbling strummed guitar.]]]

GOX: Oh so nice of you to offer! Yes, I am putting together a brand new project. Something that will catapult me above the banality of their gallery exhibits, and their platitudes, and their tiny little cocktail weenies. I need you to help me become… notorious!

FESTON: [raised eyebrow] Notorious?

GOX: Yes, my dumpling, yes! I must become notorious.

SERENA: “Notorious” is a word I usually save for my more annoyingly persistent enemies. Are you sure?

GOX: Have you, by any chance, ever heard of the work of Squib Wibbly?

FESTON / SERENA: [overlapping improv “no not really” / “i’m not much for art” / etc.]

GOX: An abstract painter, works in pigments or holographic light displays. Vibrant pieces, good use of contrast and color theory. The viewer sees what they want to see in their bold strokes. And so they offend no one, and the work is forgotten as soon as you leave the room. But do you know the works of Howl Thraknar?

FESTON: Oh kak, yeah, wasn’t he the one who broke into the Gabboric prime minister’s palace and tattooed the opposition’s slogan on their hind-parts?

GOX: See! So many years later and you’re still talking about it! “Successful” art can fill my stomach for a day, a week, a season. But art that burns itself into the hearts and minds of onlookers by their own inflamed passions… that will sustain me for eternity!

SERENA: ...okay, if you say so. I don’t think the people of Gabborim appreciated it very much.

FESTON: So what do you need from us?

GOX: I am planning a series of public pieces, to be revealed over the course of one week. This series will be provocative! Daring! And completely anonymous at first, you understand? This will get the people talking. And once everyone has heard tell of these bold displays, once their messages are on the tips of every tongue, only then shall I reveal myself to the public as their architect! Brilliant, no? But for works of this size I will need assistants of course. Extra pairs of hands, extra sets of eyes to keep lookout. And so convenient that you have a nimble ship at your disposal! Do this, and I will point you in the direction of my good friend Tranquil Haegan.

SERENA: Yeah, ok. When do you wanna start?

FESTON: Hey, uh, hold on there Serena. [low, aside to SERENA] You sure about this?

SERENA: What? It’s not that much weirder than some of the other stuff we’ve done.

FESTON: I mean yeah, that’s fair. But is “notorious” something we’re aspiring to here? I always try to steer the show more towards “inviting.” Even “inspirational,” occasionally.

SERENA: I hear you, but this is currently our best lead on an engineer, and our ship needs an engineer. The whole back end scares me a little, and I once kicked a dude called “Guthook” in the bits.

FESTON: Ah, then, since we’ll be offering up her services alongside us, we should ask our ship. What do you think, Prox?

PROXY: [bwoip!] It sounds like fun to me! I think our brand is strong enough to withstand a bit of notoriety. We could call it “a limited collaboration,” if it makes you feel better.

FESTON: Yeah, I suppose… [to GOX] Okay, yes, we’re in.

GOX: Fabulous! So exciting. Well, no need to dawdle, my first piece can go up tonight! Time is credits, as they say!

SERENA: Oh, so this job pays, does it?

[[MUSIC: Space Salsa.]]

GOX: Well, not quite so much, no. But just think of what you will gain in even deeper, even more fulfilling fulfillment! That is an artist’s life, darling!

SERENA: Uh-huh. Also probably why my artist friends always stick me with the bill. Kak me, my sisters would give me so much noise about this. Right, so, moonlighting as criminals then?

>>SCENE 04:

[[SFX: The StarTripper hovers above Pongrezo at night.]]

GOX: Alright my darlings, here we are. This is the Statenze Sciantesse [pr. stah-TEN-zay ski-an-TESS-ey], where our so-called “great” leaders of the past are immortalized in the very cliffside. 

FESTON: Hey Serena, do you think they know what we’re up to? I can’t tell, they’re being pretty…. Stone-faced! [giggles]

SERENA: Awful. Just terrible. Can I pay you to stop?

[[SFX: GOX shakes a canister of spray-lichen and loads it into the spray-gun.]]

GOX: Feston, you shall hold the ship steady, while Serena assists me in spraying the faces with this! Rapid-bloom lichen. We spray the design at night, and when the sun comes… BAM! They will see it, their precious monument, defaced! Surely this is the first step on the road to being notorious.

SERENA: And, what, you’re just gonna hang out of the airlock and spray them by hand? That seems dangerous.

FESTON: ...really Serena? You hung out of the cargo hold of a ship in flight like, last week!

SERENA: Yeah, but I’m a professional, as in “certified.”

FESTON: “Certifiable,” maybe. Ready?

[[SFX: The cargo hold door opens below.]]

GOX: Absolutely, darling! We descend!

[[MUSIC: Upbeat vacation vibes.]]

[[SFX: GOX and SERENA head down to the cargo bay. GOX sprints forward. SERENA grabs them.]]

GOX: Here it goes!–

SERENA: –Whoa there! You’d run right off the edge of the world if it wasn’t round… Just, be careful, yeah?

GOX: That’s what I have you for, darling! Now, watch me work!

[[SFX: GOX cocks the spray-gun and sprays; the ship maneuvers as they go.]]

GOX: Almost… and… Hah! Perfect execution, if I say so myself. Onward, pilot, onward!

FESTON: [on comms] You got it!

SERENA: Is this really what we’re going for? It looks like all you did was give the big guy a…

>>SCENE 05:

[[SFX: crossfade to a news report on the Wave, the next morning. Our crew listens on a speaker in GOX’s studio.]]

PITCH: ...a mustache. That’s right, this morning onlookers were greeted to new ‘dos for the members of the Statenze Sciantesse, who now all appear to have grown lichenous facial hair overnight, in addition to one enormous pompadour of the same material.

FESTON: Hah! They’re talking about us! It’s working!

SERENA: Are you sure? The news-being doesn’t look that upset...

PITCH: Reaction to the installation has been overwhelmingly positive; the monument has long been scrutinized for portraying only the young, inexperienced faces of our historic icons. Vencione Planetary Council has already passed an emergency measure to appropriate funds for maintenance of the lichenous lip-fur, and the Tourism Board estimates a 250% increase in profits! A wonderful gift from an anonymous benefactor. For Dodici News, I’m Pitch Paccidelle. Back to you, Gina!

[[SFX: GOX turns off the feed.]]

GOX: This is a disaster! Oh, how could this possibly have gone any worse. The people love it?!

FESTON: Y’know… usually I like when people like a thing I made. I don’t really know how to react here.

GOX: Like it, do they?? Praise my good works, do they?? Well, let’s just see how they like my next outrageous installation!

[[SFX: GOX unfurls the blueprint for the next display.]]

GOX: Now, for this one, we’ll need a plex-form cast printer, a dozen steel tent spikes, and about a thousand gallons of bio-slime…


[[MUSIC: Mischief Jazz.]]

[[SFX: A park, night. SERENA pours the slime as FESTON and GOX hold the frame together. FESTON gets splashed.]]

FESTON: [sputtering] Ew, gross! Watch what you’re doing, Serena!

SERENA: I can’t see what I’m doing through this stupid mask! Do we really have to wear these things?

FESTON: I’m pretty okay with not getting identified by the authorities for… this. ID bafflers are a small price to pay.

GOX: Hurry, my darlings, we must complete the pour before the lower layers set! The structural uniformity is crucial!

SERENA: I’m pouring as fast as I can, Gox! I can’t do much about the flow rate of bio-slime!

[[SFX: SERENA splashes more slime onto GOX and FESTON.]]

FESTON / GOX: [coughing, spluttering]

SERENA: Oh pishak!

>>SCENE 07:

[[SFX: the same park, day. It’s crowded; children run all over the playground, and parents murmur to themselves along the boundary.]]

GOX: Ugh… another unmitigated failure. I thought for sure I had them with this one! Where did I go wrong??

SERENA: Well, you maybe should have used a different material, for one. Kids love bio-slime, ya dummy.

FESTON: At least they’re having fun, right?

GOX: [groans in despair]

NEWS PRODUCER: Ok, we’ll go live in 3… 2… 

PITCH: Thank you, Gina. I’m coming to you live from Afflarana Park in downtown Pongrezo, where another strange installation has cropped up overnight: this time a cage of bright chartreuse bio-slime, covering a popular children’s playground. It appears by the title block molded along the top fringe, that this piece is entitled, simply, “Government.”

[[SFX: the bio-slime cage sproings and squishes.]]

KID #1: [in the background] Rennie, look! It’s icky!

KID #2: Ewww!

[[SFX: A solid wet SMACK of bio-slime.]]

PITCH: The display is certainly a hit with the little ones, who have come from miles around to play on the squishing, bending bars of their new playground equipment. Parents are somewhat more mystified by the installation – the message of which one can only guess – but the consensus seems to be positive; “anything,” one parent told me, “to keep the little ones occupied for a few hours.” I think we can all agree there! From Afflarana Park, I’m Pitch Paccidelle. Back to you in the studio.

GOX: [sobs]

[[MUSIC: Siesta Trumpets.]]

>>SCENE 08:

[[SFX: The studio.]]

GOX: Ruined! My entire series, my plan, absolutely ruined! I wanted to be notorious, I wanted to strike at the very hearts of the people! But instead, I’ve created that basest, crassest, crudest form of undertaking… I’ve created… Pop-art!! [begins to cry.]

FESTON: So, um, what’s next, Gox? What’s our next art-caper?

GOX: Oh forget it, darling! This is no way for one to become notorious, clearly. May as well scrap the whole thing.

SERENA: Ok, so then if you could just tell us where to find Timid Hayman–

FESTON: No, come on! Don’t give up so easily.

SERENA: I thought you didn’t wanna be notorious.

FESTON: We’re waist-deep in the bio-slime as it is! Come on, Gox, you should at least see your project through to the end. Don’t give up hope! We’ve just gotta shake it up a little. Maybe the stuff we’ve been doing is too subtle for… um… some people. Other people. 

SERENA: What about, like, a flash mob? We could… I dunno… do a flash mob. Are flash mobs a thing here?

PROXY: [bwoip] Perhaps our actions have been too abstract. Like Squib Wibbly, we have left too much up to the interpretation of the audience. I believe if we wish for the people to get the message, we should speak directly to them.

GOX: What’s that? Has your wristwatch had an idea?

FESTON: Whatcha got, Prox?

PROXY: Mx. Gumson’s demonstrations have been in response to government policies. And none are more beloved by the people of Vencione than their current policy of neutrality in several galactic crises of social conscience. This planet-first policy was the bedrock of consular campaigns the past five years running, as they sought to unite the planet under nonviolent measures of the Seffran Doctrine, even as they cleaved themselves from the rest of the Commonwealth and their woes. The Consulate’s official statement on the matter takes the form of their most popular tourism slogan: “That cozy warmth you feel is the embrace of all Vencione.”

GOX: ...Seffra Zai, that’s brilliant!

SERENA: What? What’s brilliant?

GOX: We’ll reveal their hypocrisy to them, make them stare it in the face! Yes, I’ve been dancing around it, like some… some flash mob! Wristwatch, I will need your assistance preparing the associated materials. Are you with me?

PROXY: I can supply the code, if you’ll design the interface.

GOX: Yes, we’ll do it! Wristwatch, our collaboration will be the stuff of legend! To the hologram projector! 

[[SFX: GOX grabs Feston’s multi-tool off his wrist and runs off deeper into the studio.]]

[[MUSIC: Pop chimes.]]

FESTON: ...Do you know what they’re planning?

SERENA: ...I don’t really think I get art.

>>SCENE 09:

[[SFX: A crowded city street. FESTON assembles a contraption.]]

SERENA: Stay back, please! Important… work going on, please stay clear. Thank you.

[[SFX: SERENA pulls back a curtain and enters the work area.]]

SERENA: Could we have picked a more crowded spot?

GOX: It was really the only choice in the end, darling. The Piaz Contessiori is the most trafficked area on the continent, and leads directly to the steps of the Consulate itself. Feston my dear, the wide lenses must fit in the center, or the edges of the hologram will blur!

FESTON: Oh! Sorry, that’s my bad.

GOX: Proxy darling, how goes the code injection?

PROXY: Aligning code outputs with visual interface now. Incoming feed latency down to nominal. Simulating haptic surface layer.

GOX: Dotting the eyes, crossing the tees, rounding the shems! Excellent. This’ll show ‘em. This time for sure!

[[SFX: FESTON completes building the thing.]]

FESTON: Ah-hah! Got it. Hardware is go!

PROXY: Software is go.

GOX: Okay, my darlings. This is our moment. Summon your courage, and let the people know and abhor our message. We will not be denied!

SERENA: And then you’ll tell us where to find Haggar.

FESTON: Haegan.

SERENA: Right, yes, Haegan. What’s up with me? It’s not even a tricky name.

GOX: Yes, yes, darling, all will be revealed in due course. But for now, will you do us the honor of revealing my finest work yet?

SERENA: … I guess so.

GOX: Then drop the curtain, and let the light of truth shine upon this sleepy world!

SERENA: Oh brother.

[[SFX: SERENA pulls a drawstring and the tarp drops. The projector activates and displays data. The crowd marvels.]]

PATRON #1: What is this?

GOX: A live feed, my darlings! What you see before you is a star map, tracking every single conflict in the galaxy that Vencione has elected not to engage with. Casualty counts, resource depletion numbers. Everything our government thinks is too high a cost to contribute to the eradication of oppressive regimes harassing our neighbors in the stars! “That cozy warmth you feel, is the sky on fire!” Hit it, Feston!

FESTON: Yeah! Hiyah!

[[SFX: FESTON hits a button with a beep, and a message flares across the projection. The crowd erupts in outrage.]]

SERENA: Uh, Feston, I’m starting to get that itchy feeling? The one where we’re in increasing danger?

FESTON: Yeah, I hear ya... [over the din] Was this what you were looking for, Gox?!

GOX: Yes, it was me! I am the mastermind! One at a time, please!

[[SFX: The crowd surges.]]

SERENA: Feston, it’s time to get the kak out of here!

FESTON: But what about Tranquil Haegan?!


FESTON: The engineer!

SERENA: We’ll send Gox an invoice… from orbit!

FESTON: Ugh yeah, alright! That’s gonna about do it for us this time out, travelers! If we make it out of this mob alive, we’ll catch you next time… On STARTRIPPER!!

GOX: YES! This is it! We’ve done it, darlings! I am… Notorious!!

[[MUSIC: Wild Plain.]]

– END –

CREDITS: StarTripper!! was created by Julian Mundy, hey that’s me! And produced by Mischa Stanton, Ian McQuown, and me.

“Be Notorious (A Limited Collaboration)” was written, directed & sound designed by Mischa Stanton, with a story by yours truly, and performances by Ian McQuown as Feston, Sierra Shay as Proxy, Sammi Lappin as Serena, Tau Zaman as Gox Gumson, Luke Pelletier as The Desk Clerk, John Omohundro as Pitch Paccidelle , Anna Lore, Nick Smith & Chris Smith as Exhibit Onlookers. And special thanks to our patrons Arenthaer Gald as the Snooty Art Patron, Diego Garibay Valenzuela as the News Producer, and Bridge Geene as Slime Kid. Recorded at a safe social distance with production help from Lauren Shippen and Evan Cunningham. Music by Ketsa. For more, check out ketsamusic.com. Additional music this episode by Daniel Birch and Jahzzar.

Check us out on the Wave at StarTripperHQ.com for transcripts, merch, and links to subscribe on your podbank of choice, or on social media @StarTripperHQ where we love sharing fan art and other show-related stuff. Need the most recent show announcements or updates? Our Twitter feed is the best place to look.

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Thank you for flying with us; and now, this week’s StarTrip Survival Tip:

If someone smiles the whole time they tell you their plan, there’s something wrong with the plan.